What's in stock, available for pre-order, and on clearance at www.dorksidetoys.com
STAR WARS @dorksidetoys.com
New waves of Star Wars Black Series in the house, and some major bargains on some of the figures starting at $6.43! Not in to black? Don't worry we have plenty of other Star Wars such as vintage collection, Black Series, comic pack figures, and Star Wars Jumbo Gentle Giant in stock, and up for pre-order.
MARVEL @dorksidetoys.com
Baddies with fur, purple outfits and yellow boots? Super evil pimp style clearly! Lots of new and classic Marvel Universe super heroes and villains are back in stock. Pick your choice of superhero from our Marvel section. We also have Iron Man 3, Marvel Legends & Marvel Select.
GI JOE @DorksideToys.com
Now we love our GI JOE's here, but seriously they just get better and better with each wave. Tons of great accessories, and great articulation. Get moving soldier, report immediately to our GI JOE section for Retaliation, FSS, Basic line, Ultimates or Renegades.
THE WALKING DEAD @DorksideToys.com
New Walking Dead collectibles are in, with The Governor and Andrea exclusives the latest. Check out our full range of zombies, comic book and TV series heroes.
DC COLLECTIBLES @DorksideToys.com
Holy High-Rise Batman! Gorgeous 1960's Batman carded figures and collectibles, plus plenty of other DC characters, Arkham figures all with beautiful cards, plus new 52 Super Heroes vs Super Villains figures.
Check out all our other sections now with in stock, and pre-order items.
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To the Batmobile!
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