October 7, 2012

WIN FREE FIGURES! Beast-ly Good Deals On Marvel Universe, EBAY Store & More In The @dorksidetoys Newsletter

News of whats in stock, available for pre-order, and on clearance at www.dorksidetoys.com and also availabe on our ebay store


PRE-ORDERS @dorksidetoys.com

The last wave of The Vintage Collection is nearly here! With the lack of USA retail demand for these, in particular troop builders is hot! We love the Obi-Wan & Ahsoka in this wave and if you havent seen them, check out their great Vintage cards. All of the last wave; Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Nien Nunb, Aurra Sing, Lumat, Republic Trooper, Gungan Warrior, Weequay Hunter and The Emporer's Royal Guard are up for sale. Pre-order Star Wars Vintage Collection now.


IN STOCK @dorksidetoys.com

If you havent picked up any of the lost line, Darth Vader aka 'Skeletor' is proving in demand also for that very cool ROTJ vintage card. In stock, but as suspected flying out fast, is possibly one of the coolest waves of Marvel Universe we have seen. Scarlet Witch, Kang, Punisher, arguably the finest Hulk to date, Beast (the dude has articulated toes! How cool is that!?), Beta Ray Bill, Kraven The Hunter & loads more! Buy Marvel Universe now

Marvel Legends has sold very quickly but still some loose of the latest Wave 3 on our ebay store or 2012 Wave 1 in stock; Steve Rogers, Extremis Iron man, Constrictor, Thor & more... Buy Marvel Legends now


ON CLEARANCE @dorksidetoys.com

We must be losing it. What has to be the BEST Modern Darth Vader ever, on a Star Wars New Hope vintage card for only $7.99!?  Avengers Super Articulated Iron Man $4.99. Star Wars Quinlan Vos $4.99 A crazy $3.99 for awesome cantina patron, vintage carded Bom Vimdin. Loads more available so head on over and grab a clearance bargain now.


 Can't find what you want on our store? Remember we also have hundreds of mostly loose figures too including GI JOE, LEGO loose Star Wars minifgs & playsets, MARVEL Legends, Universe and more on our ebay store. 


WIN FREE FIGURES @dorksidetoys.com

Yet more FREE Marvel Legends giveaways! Simply watch the Deadpool review below to find out more with our friends at TekSushi


Stay tuned for more giveaways and promotions from us.

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Make mine a burrito!


Team Dorkside


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