SUPER ALLOY BATMAN - 1/6 SCALE JIM LEE VERSION Play Imaginative is releasing a new 85% die-cast version of Batman in his New 52 suit as designed by Jim Lee. This 1/6 scale figure has more than 50 points of articulation and includes a magnetic gargoyle base, batarangs, a grappling gun, a removable poseable cape and much more. This figure is done in a matte finish and is listed at $269.99. |
NEW DC COLLECTIBLES PRE-ORDERS Six items have been announced this month by DC Collectibles. We have busts of the New 52 SHAZAM and Supergirl at $59.99 each (saving you $10 each off the MSRP), Cover Girls of the DC Universe Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn Version 2 Statues at $89.99 each (again, saving you $10 each off the MSRP) and two new Dark Knight Rises items. The Batman Vs. Bane Icon 1/6 Scale Statue stands 16" tall and shows Bane with Batman held over his head; this item is listed at $299.99, $25 off the MSRP. We also have the Dark Knight Rises "The Bat" Glass (possibly crystal) Etching, with an image of the vehicle appearing within the cube, and this item is listed at $26.99, $3 off the MSRP. |
MOVIE MASTERPIECE 1/6 SCALE "THE AVENGERS" HULK FIGURES This new Hulk figure stands 16.5' tall and comes with alternate hands for more display options. He also has the PERS eyeball system and is listed at $274.99, $25 off of the MSRP. Don't miss this in-scale figure to complete your Avengers display. |
BRUCETTE 1/12 SCALE SHARK REPLICA This new 25” replica maquette shows the shark with burns on the right side of its head, and is taken directly from over 4 gigabytes of info, some of which was not released until the First Quarter of this year. We have this great new piece listed at $474.99. |
ROBOCOP 7” SPRING-LOADED HOLSTER FIGURE NECA has announced a new version of Robocop. This figure will come with a lever on the back of its leg that causes doors to pop open on his thigh and release his gun. We have it listed at $16.99. |
STORMTROOPER EPISODE IV HELMET REPLICA This new piece from eFX is based on a digital scan from an original helmet from the movie. It is full sized, made of ABS and listed at $158.99. |
GI JOE 2012 SUBSCRIPTION FIGURES For those of you that are interested in some of the upcoming GI Joe subscription figures but aren't looking to get a whole subscription, we have the figures listed singly right now. Most figures still have pre-orders remaining, and are priced at $24.99 - $49.99. Check out the list and find your favorites. |
DC UNLIMITED 2013 SERIES 02, BATMAN UNLIMITED 2013 SERIES 02 - SET, SINGLES Mattel has announced four new DC action figures. The DC Unlimited wave includes Wonder Woman in her New 52 outfit as well as Batman in what will apparently be his outfit in the upcoming Injustice video game, while the Batman Unlimited wave includes the Frank Miller "Dark Knight Returns" Batman and the Planet X Batman (Zur-En-Arrh) with Bat-Mite. Each figure is available singly at $18.99 each, or you can opt for each Set of two at $36.99. |
TRANSFORMERS GUTTO KURU GINRAI The second transformers character in the Gutto Kuru line is Powermaster Ginrai. He comes with his helmet, five different heads, alternate hands and more, and is listed at $193.99. |
TRANSFORMERS DARK OF THE MOON LEADER TWO-PACK This exclusive import set includes Leader class versions of Optimus Prime and Megatron, and we have this set listed at $289.99. |
MORTAL KOMBAT FIGURES & MORE We have listed many new waves of Mortal Kombat figures. We have the 7" Deluxe Shao Kahn at $18.99, with 6" Figures of Jax, Baraka, Kano, Nightwolf and Liu Kang at $15.99. 4" figures of Johnny Cage, Liu Kang and Nightwolf are listed at $11.99; we also have a Shao Kahn Arena and Throne playset at $39.99, a case of 6 6" Battle-Damage Figures at $89.99 and Super Deformed figures as a Set of 4 at $49.99 and a Case of 6 at $59.99. We even have a 32" Sub-Zero Ice Sword at $38.99, an 8" Sub-Zero Statue Figure at $31.99, a 6" Jax & Reptile X-Ray Pack at $28.99 and a 6" Figure Set of 3 (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage) at $43.99. |
HEAVY METAL CYBERCOP 1/4 SCALE STATUE Heavy Metal Magazine is releasing a series of statues of their art models, with the first being Cybercop as portrayed by Stacy E. Walke. This statue stand 20" tall, is limited to just 600 pieces and shows the sexy cop ready to dole out some futuristic justice. We have this statue listed at $329.99. |
"THE EXPENDABLES" 1/4 SCALE BARNEY ROSS STATUE This statue shows Sylvester Stallone's characters in his battle gear. He carries a gun in one hand and a cigar in the other, and the statue is priced at $299.99. It stands 20" tall and is limited to 500 pieces worldwide. |
1/6 SCALE ZCWO MENS HOMMES VOLUME 007 BOXING LEGEND 2.0 SET This familiar set comes with all of the accessories you may need to set up a 1/6 scale boxer display. It comes with a robe and trunks, a punching bag with stand, a section of ring, a water bucket and many more items. This set is listed at $109.99 (figure not included). |
COMMANDER SHEPARD PREMIUM FORMAT FIGURE Sideshow Toy is releasing a 1/4 scale figure of the main character from the Mass Effect games. He stands 19" tall and comes with a light-up base, rifle and Omni Blade and is listed at $349.99. |
"TOTAL RECALL" BLASTER PROP REPLICA This black version of the gun used throughout the current movie is limited to 600 pieces and was molded from a screen-used gun. It includes a green LED light below the barrel and is listed at $199.99. |
NEW BLUEFIN SEPTEMBER RELEASES Bluefin has announced 21 new kits and accessories from Bandai. These include a 1/10 Scale Gundam AGE-2 Normal kit at $69.99, a Code Geass 1/35 Scale Mechanic Collection Alexander Akito Custom at $36.99, a 1/8 Scale Figurise Barnaby Brooks Jr. Kit at $64.99, a 1/144 scale transforming Hambrabi at $27.99, EFSF Hands, Zeon Hands, Verniers and more kits for 1/144 and 1/100 scale Gundam kits, a Grand Ship Collection Moby Dick kit at $26.99 and more. |
TRANSFORMERS PIN COLLECTIONS - ORIGINAL, MOVIE Yamato is releasing two assortments of pins based on the original Transformers cartoon and the recent movies. They come in boxes of 20 (possibly 15 for the movies) at $94.99 each, and we also have them as random singles at $4.99 each. We are awaiting further information on the movie assortment. |
STAR WARS 24" REALISTIC TALKING CHEWBACCA PLUSH This plush is a diversion from the usual line, as it is shaped like Chewie himself and not a super deformed version. He makes Chewie's trademark growl and is listed at $109.99, $20 off the MSRP. |
THE ORIGINAL BIG WHEELS As kids we rode these classic toys, and now they are back for a whole new generation. We have the My First Big Wheel in Boys and Girls versions at $39.99 each, with the Sidewalk Screamer in Boys and Girls versions at $59.99 each and the Big Wheel Racer in Boys and Girls versions at $69.99 each. |
MB GOKIN MBG-02 GRENDIZER The follow-up to Getter Robo is Grendizer. This super deformed mini-robot comes with a display stand, weapons and alternate parts, and we have him listed at $109.99. |
ASSASSIN'S CREED REVELATIONS EZIO 7" FIGURE The latest version of this assassin from the popular video game series wears a darker outfit and comes with 35 points of articulation, dagger, sword and crossbow in addition to his wrist blades. We have this figure listed at $16.99. |
TIGER & BUNNY KATRINA LYLE FIGUARTS ZERO EXCLUSIVE This figure is the alter ego of Blue Rose and comes with interchangeable arm parts for holding a towel or a book. It also includes a display stand and is listed at $49.99. |
PORTAL 2 SENTRY TURRET COLLECTIBLE FIGURES - DISPLAY, RANDOM SINGLE This assortment offers ten different designs and each can come in open or closed versions. We have them available as random blind-boxed singles at $5.49 each, or as a Display Box of 12 for $54.99. |
EVANGELION REVOLTECH EVA-02 NEW EQUIPMENT VERSION This figure comes with what we assume to be equipment from the upcoming third movie in the Evangelion Rebirth saga. We have this preview figure listed at $57.99. |
DOCTOR WHO TALKING TARDIS ICE BUCKET & ICE CUBE TRAY SET This set is the perfect accessory for your next party. It includes a TARDIS-shaped Ice Bucket with removable inner liner, and it makes sounds from the TARDIS and the Daleks. It also includes a silicone ice tray with the series logo, K-9, a Cyberman head, a Dalek and the TARDIS, so you can make ice cubes that go great with the bucket. We have this set listed at $39.99, $10 off of the MSRP. |
NEW HIGH DREAM OFFERINGS Four new items are up for pre-order from High Dream. We have 30 cm versions of BossBorot and the Grendizer Spaizer at $149.99 and $79.99, respectively; we also have Koji Kabuto's diecast TFO from Grendizer at $58.99 and the Great Mazinger 12 cm Mini Metal Figure at $39.99. |
ROCKY SATIN ROBE & BOXER SHORT SET Three new sets of satin robes and boxer shorts are listed under the Rocky Menu. We have Rocky, Apollo Creed and Drago, and each is listed at $39.99. |
FUTURAMA PLUSH SERIES 02 This new assortment includes Kif, Morbo and the Hypnotoad, and we have each listed at $27.99. |
ASSASSIN'S CREED III TOMAHAWK LATEX REPLICA ThinkGeek is producing a replica piece of Connor's Tomahawk from the upcoming Assassin's Creed III, and we have the brand new item listed at $49.99. |
NEW 1/6 SCALE FIGURES, ACCESSORIES We have created a new link to all the most recent 1/6 scale items. Whether you're looking for Dragon 1/6 scale figures, bodies, clothing or other accessories, this link is the place to check. |
1/4.5 SCALE TOMO YAMANOBE MAID VERSION This figure from The Qwaser of Stigmata stands about 34.5 cm tall (about 13.6" tall) and comes with a cloth maid outfit and wooden display base. We have this figure listed at $248.99. |
DOCTOR WHO 50TH ANNIVERSARY MONOPOLY This version of the classic game includes images of all eleven Doctors so far and comes with Doctor Who-related tokens. We have this game priced at $39.99. |
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